Orthotic Components & Supplies

Upper and Lower Extremities

Active Hip Abduction Orthoses

To functionally treat hip dysplasia on infants and toddlers

Rotation Harness

Applies for wrong position of the legs (flase inner rotation) of children

Thumb-, Hand-, and Forearm Orthoses

Immobilization of the thumb joint and wrist with full mobility of the fingers

Ankle Foot Orthoses

Made of Polyethylene

Light-Spinal-Orthoses L_R_O

Conservative treatment: immobilization of lumbar conditions, discopathy, spinal stenosis and compression fractures

Metatarsal Pad, Foam Rubber

Lace to Tow Black Boots Adult

Becker Swivel Cervical Orthoses

Denis Browne Splints

Ring Lock Hip Joint

Ring Lock Knee Joint

Automatic Spring Lever Knee Joint

The Benefit Kafo Kit

Prosthetic Suppliers and Orthotics

Providing modern Prosthesis to our patients.

Tel-0027 (0)12 3451555

Elarduspark Pretoria, SA